Normal Is Overrated

Musings and meanderings on the autistic spectrum

June 27, 2008

Mea culpa

As it turns out, those skeptical of the latest Autism Speaks controversy may have actually been right.

Zach Lassiter of AspieWeb has been in contact with Zazzle, and it’s been revealed that though there was an Autism Speaks complaint, it didn’t involve that particular shirt. In other words, this removal was just a Zazzle employee’s attempt to cover the company’s posterior, so to speak, despite what was claimed in earlier e-mails.

So— and this is probably one of the very few times I’ll ever say this— my apologies to Autism Speaks for claiming they did something that they didn’t.

(Now if only they would involve autistics in their organization and issue an apology for Alison Singer’s statements in Autism Every Daythose complaints, unfortunately, still stand.)

Filed under: Autism Speaks,Controversies — codeman38 @ 11:14 pm


  1. Thanks for the heads-up – I added an edit to the post:
    in which I mentioned the controversy, and gave you a shout-out. Integrity is extremely important when one is trying to engage in proper advocacy, so it’s vital that we acknowledge misunderstandings like this. Which is exactly what seems to be happening, both here and on Zach’s page.

    Comment by AnneC — June 28, 2008 @ 1:08 am

  2. Hi Thanks for doing this. I think you and Zach are the only two people who made the groundless allegations against autism speaks without allowing them to tell their side of the story actually had the good grace to apologize. I am still waiting for retractions from Amanda Baggs, autism bitch from hell and Alex Plank.

    Comment by jonathan — June 29, 2008 @ 12:45 am

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